Residency Personal Statement Samples Blog


Pathology Residency Personal Statement #1

Attending medical school in Europe at a school known for pathology, I developed an interest in studying the human body while spending hours our anatomy museum and later after introduction to histology and pathology....


General Surgery Personal Statement #2

My experiences thus far in General Surgery have been utterly inspiring. During my second year of medical school in Seoul, I completed a sub-internship in Cardiothoracic Surgery where I marveled at how quick and...


General Surgery Residency Personal Statement #1

“Strangulated? Are you sure?” The surgeon’s voice rang at the other end of the line. Through the four year-old’s kicks, tears and screams, I had found a right red inguinal mass. A prompt reduction...

Neurology Residency Personal Statement #1

I have chosen neurology as my specialty based on my interests, experiences and passion. I vividly recall how frustrated my family was when my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. His struggles inspired me...


Ophthalmology Residency Personal Statement #1

“Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually,” Dr Smith assured me, as I struggled with the slit-lamp and became increasingly apologetic to the patient sitting behind it. “And once you get it, you’ll realize that...


Psychiatry Residency Personal Statement #2

My interest in psychiatry began during my practice of internal medicine as an attending physician. I encountered many patients with psychiatric conditions who tended to seek help from internists instead of mental health professionals...


Psychiatry Residency Personal Statement #1

“Psychiatrists are only for crazy people,” was the reply I often received from patients during my attempts to refer them for mental health treatment in medical school. There is a substantial stigma in the...